Hiring recruiters?
We can help.

Over 100 firms have used Next Level Hiring to identify future recruiters for their firms; why not yours? Let us help you grow while you focus on core tasks or maintain a high level of personal production!

The Next Level Hiring (NLH) team assists managers in their talent selection process, hiring and growing their team with the right recruiters. NLH will help you understand which role is best for you to hire, create an attraction-based posting for job boards of your choosing and present you with candidates that have the potential to be the next big biller on your team.

Our hiring team will research and follow-up with all initial responses for those who fit the search specifications, then conduct an initial phone screen with candidates. Viable prospects will be presented with a complete summary and resume.

With backgrounds in search and staffing, the NLH team can articulate to prospects what to expect in search, what it takes to be successful, and how to assess if this is the right career path. With our team being the first round of discussions, it can create a consistent message once candidates are moving through your interviewing process, with a reinforced message that their success will be directly tied to their knowledge, skills, and work ethic.

1. Initial Search Assignment Call

This initial conversation will serve to diagnose the immediate and future needs of your growing practice. In our initial call, we conduct a thorough exploration of the desired background and behavioral traits of prospective candidates including experience, education, skills, personality, expectations, roles, and responsibilities. Our team can provide templates for postings and process management if desired.

2. Weekly Status Updates and Coaching

Clients are provided with a weekly dashboard that summarizes the number of candidates applied, the source of application, telephone interviews scheduled and conducted, and outcomes of interviews. The dashboard, combined with a weekly status call, are designed to help provide you with numbers, statistics and analytics to diagnose what is and isn’t working in your search parameters and proactively figure out alternatives to secure the right talent for your team.

3. Presentation of Candidates

NLH will present you with pre-qualified candidates that eliminate producers coming off of their desk to screen hundreds of unqualified resumes.  Presentations include a detailed summary of the candidate that focuses on your core areas of interest and their current resume.  The NLH team can also act as a resource to coach you on the most desirable qualities and profiles managers should look for in their next hire.


The investment per NLH search for a one-month campaign is $5,000. The investment for a two-month campaign is $8,500. The NLH search process does not guarantee a hire nor is there an additional cost per hire made.

Position will be posted for 30 days on Indeed, LinkedIn, and up to 5 free college job boards. Client can add additional sites, additional postings, and/or an additional budget on Indeed at Client’s sole expense, and NLH will be responsible for filtering and screening responses.

Let’s connect.

Please Note: The success of our search is based on the success of the responses to the postings we jointly create.  This is not a direct recruiting effort and a hire is not guaranteed; please keep this in mind when initiating your search.

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